But more importantly there were alot of lethal moths around time square. And central park was class, its huge(Thats what she said).
Ended up getting lost with no phone battery and not remembering how to get back to brooklyn where i was staying mainly because I arrived there drunk from a 21 st at 4am with no memory how i got there and then left hungover to fuck. But luckly I found amazing apple store in manhatten with hundreds of apple computers u could use for free and all was sorted.
and other random stuff, Me and coey drink alot of coffee here its class.he brought back some from work the other day.had one cup of coffee and i was buzzing.
Also I keep hearing strange noises in the house sounds like a donkey trying give birth strange eh?
oh and niamh left, was so sad, and took the flag dammit. really miss that flag.
Went jogging with graham is a beast, cut both his knees in a nasty fall, but kept goin with blood dripping everywhere.
Drove through Mianus the other day. theres alot of broken class in Mianus. theres alot of rattlesnakes in mianus. theres a sauage fatory in mianus.