Myself, Mark, Carpo, Sas, Anthony, Sarah and Nadine all went downtown this evening to see Shrek 4 in 3D which was pretty funny, especially the little kid. This evening Niamh brought her new American boyfriend Mike home along with his friend Matt. They seemed like cool guys who we'll be seeing alot more of.
It's Memorial Day in the United States tomorrow which means alot of things are closed down, just like a Bank Holiday at home. It's also Mark's 20th birthday and we've Biz and her mates also on J-1's coming over tomorrow night to celebrate.
Right now I'm already missing my car big style, and I'm well aware that's really pathetic. This will hopefully change with time. I'm only one episode away from finishing Season 2 of The West Wing now. This song rules too.
More photo's soon.
Lock yourself in a dark room with no distractions to watch Two Cathedrals, it's epic. One of the very best episodes of them all.