Monday, May 31, 2010

I hope this made you spill your tea, too.

Whats the fucking beef?

Today is Memorial Day. Its also Marks birthday. Happy Birthday Mark! I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Mark for not providing beers for this party were having. We didnt know that you couldnt buy beers on Memorial Day in Mass. Aha. Oh well.

Today we took some things that people had left on the curbs outside their house. We got an awesome leather chair and two other chair things. I am sitting in said chair right now. It is the chair of kings. Why would anyone throw it out? I have a job interview at 11am in the morning for a Concierge position. Its a second round interview and I really hope that I get it. It would be nice to know I have a job. Some stability.

While myself, Gajj and Mark were out the other day, we found this amazing record store called Newbury Comics. I could easily have dropped like 200$ in that place. We spent 100 dollars between us. Some really great finds though. Brand New/Lifetime/American Football records were all purchased. Speaking of American Football, myself and Gajj are trying to get tickets to Pats/Saints. How unreal would that be? Dont answer. Itd be unreal.

We are getting some really weird traffic on this site, and loads of unique views, we were thinking about submitting it to a newspaper or something, see if anyone wants us to do a little article or something. Thatd be really cool.

Graham basically does all the photo blogging on here, so sorry if my posts are lengthy and that. I always wanted to keep a travel blog. I always saw myself as someone who would do alot of travelling, or touring or something. I havent as of yet. Maybe when I get home ill start a band that is good enough to go touring. Thatd be rad. If you want to start a band that sounds like Lifetime/Brand New with me, email me.

Id love some letters. I always like getting letters, but itd be great at this time, because im missing home a bit. Actually, no, im not. I miss some people from home. Other things, I can do without. If you write me, ill definitely write back!

James Carpenter
Apt #2
45 Saint Paul Street
Brookline, MA


For now, my days consist of reading Bukowski, blaring the new Starters demo, and hanging out with people I really enjoy hanging out with.

Ill post again soon. Wish me luck in my interview.


Joey Lucas and Kenny

I applied for loads of jobs today online which I hope will turn into something. This afternoon I chatted to both my parents on Skype at different points, along with Hannah.

Myself, Mark, Carpo, Sas, Anthony, Sarah and Nadine all went downtown this evening to see Shrek 4 in 3D which was pretty funny, especially the little kid. This evening Niamh brought her new American boyfriend Mike home along with his friend Matt. They seemed like cool guys who we'll be seeing alot more of.

It's Memorial Day in the United States tomorrow which means alot of things are closed down, just like a Bank Holiday at home. It's also Mark's 20th birthday and we've Biz and her mates also on J-1's coming over tomorrow night to celebrate.

Right now I'm already missing my car big style, and I'm well aware that's really pathetic. This will hopefully change with time. I'm only one episode away from finishing Season 2 of The West Wing now. This song rules too.

More photo's soon.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

No Irish Need Apply

Today we all got up really late and didn't out until lunch time. Me and Niamh bought Warped Tour tickets, Carpo will be working at the B9 tent for the Massachusetts show.

Between the lot of us we caused a fair bit of damage to our wallets today, something I can't be doing too often. We found a class record store on Newbury Street and bought the following:

I was also discriminated against in CVS Pharmacy today for not being an American citizen, so I had to show my passport as my drivers licence doesn't count apparently. I don't back that shit at all. I bet if I had a Canadian drivers licence I wouldn't be having a problem. Carpo reckons I should report the situation and I probably should.

More positively, I'm looking forward to ticking another US State off my list on June 11th when I'm going to see Rhode Island. There's a show in Providence that night so I reckon we'll head to that. All eight of us here also got tickets to see the Boston Red Sox against the Arizona Diamondbacks in Fenway Park on June 15th.

I need a job.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Battle Pigeons!

Me , Sarah and Anthony Headed out to town today!! Sas & James headed out to China town aswell ^.^ while Mark and Graham and niamh went in serch fer an oul geetar!^.^ THE FUCKING PIGEONS OVER HERE ARE HUGE!!!! AND FLY AT YA WITH AVENGANCE!!! scary shit! also bumped in to a few nut jobs dressed up as what apeered to be Captain Jack Sparrow , but was really memorial day outfits O.o riiight....ALSO seen a homeless guy holding a sign saying * Need money badly so i can get drunk and let two random women molest me* BRILLIANT STUFF!! some creepy guy started taking pictures of us in the parrk....O.o bit odd alright lol, weather was a bit bearable today ^.^ had burger king! with little chicken pieces in shapes of crowns, anthony protests that there dinosaur feet....there crowns!!!

Going to set up the oul bank account tomorro ^.^

We live in Suburbia

These are pictures of Copley Square, Boston Public Library, Cambridgeside Galleria, Fenway Park and the birthplace of John F. Kennedy.

And of course the topic of much talk: